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What is the TMJ Odyssey?


“The TMJ Odyssey”, “The Upper Quarter Journey”, and/or “The TMJ Treasure Hunt”:

People who suffer from the complexity of upper quarter syndrome symptoms often journey through the medical community from one practitioner to another, possibly for years, to find the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan to alleviate their pain and suffering. Because of the complexity of this anatomical region these patients are often misunderstood, misled and/or lead down a path of diagnosis and treatment that is very specific to the practitioner’s singular specialty and focused knowledge base.

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A Confusing Scenario:

Many times the focus is on only one set of symptoms, by a specialist that has a singular specialty. However, upon closer investigation we can often discover larger groupings of what appeared to be separate signs and symptoms that are directly related and interconnected. An example of this might be someone suffering from muscle tension headaches that are directly caused by muscle spasm and trigger point pain referral. This person might venture to see a neurologist for complaint of “headaches”. They are then sent for an MRI to rule out a brain tumor and when the scan results are negative, they might subsequently be prescribed invasive headache medications in an attempt to control the “migraine type” headaches, however, with no real long-term benefit achieved by medication alone. In this scenario, the lack of benefit is because it’s the wrong treatment plan for the wrong diagnosis. The confusing scenario described above may be played out many times over with different practitioner specialists including dentists, ENTs, neurologists, orthopedists, chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, nutritionists, and a variety of other wellness professionals.

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Emotional Despair:

At Lou PT, we have often seen patients that have visited multiple practitioners, over a course of years, at great expense and with no relief, eventually find a credible upper quarter and temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) specialist for more focused, appropriate, and comprehensive care. Lou PT describes this “journey” and the “treasure hunt” for assistance, guidance, and pain relief as the “TMJ Odyssey”. This endless searching while also dealing with pain and debilitation can often lead to frustration, stress, and emotional despair of feeling adrift in the vast healthcare system.

Lou PT for TMJ assessment

The Solution:

Have you been on this journey yourself? Does this sound familiar to you? Have you been to multiple practitioners searching for answers, guidance and a solution? At Lou PT, our knowledge, experience and skill has allowed us the privilege of helping our patients to navigate this journey many times over the years with success, pain relief and beneficial results.

Head anatomy reference for TMJ

The Upper Quarter


The upper quarter is a complex functional unit that includes the two TMJs (jaw joints), as well as, the entire head, neck and the shoulder girdle. In anatomical terms this region is referred to as “the upper quarter”.

This region has a very common collection of complex signs and symptoms that are all associated, interrelated and interdependent throughout the upper quarter. People who suffer from Upper Quarter Syndrome (UQS) may have symptoms from one or all of the following ailments or complaints, including but not limited to: jaw pain, orofacial pain, dental pain, ear pain, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), headaches, neck pain, restricted range of motion, active “trigger points”with referred pain, postural strain, upper back pain, shoulder pain, rotator cuff dysfunction, chest pain and referred symptoms to the upper extremity. This multidimensional and complex problem is often characterized as a Musculoskeletal Myofascial Pain Syndrome of the Upper Quarter (MPS) aka Upper Quarter Syndrome (UQS).

Lou PT for TMJ Specialist

The Upper Quarter Syndrome Enigma?


Upper Quarter Syndrome can be very mysterious and may be described as an enigma. When we look at this very complex region, that includes everything in the head, neck and shoulder it becomes apparent that all signs and symptoms are interrelated. How can we determine what is the origin or cause and what is the result or the effect? Is it straightforward and easy to understand or are there other factors that haven’t been considered? Is it possible that it’s just much more complicated than suspected at first glance? Like any other mystery, it requires a thorough investigation and an inquiring willingness to understand the many interrelated pieces of the puzzle.

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    Why Lou PT?

    Lou PT for TMJ Specialist

    Welcome to Lou PT! Lou PT, LLC is the culmination of 44 years of experience, education, and specialized training in the evaluation, treatment and therapeutic management of the entire upper quarter and all its related parts, including temporal-mandibular disorders (TMD), TMJ, headaches, cervical spine problems and related shoulder ailments. Louis F DiGiovine PT has dedicated his exceptional career to learning, advancing his education and treating patients with upper quarter syndrome. This website along with his specialty physical therapy practice located in Lebanon NJ, is specifically designed for people that are suffering and searching for relief from these various UQS symptoms and ailments. Lou PT is dedicated to the philosophy that “each patient is an individual with the own set of needs and concerns”. Whether your symptoms are new or old, acute or chronic, non-surgical or post-surgical, or if your problem is simple or complex, we may still be able to help you feel better. Our “one on one” “patient to therapist” program allows us to provide the most optimal treatment available directly to you by matching the complexity of your problems with an equally complex treatment regimen. Lou PT offers a unique opportunity to build a mutually beneficial practitioner-patient relationship of caring and trust that truly help patients benefit from the vast experience and training that we have to offer you. Please feel free to visit or consult with Lou DiGiovine PT to help answer any question or concerns that you might have.