General Disclaimer


General Disclaimer. The health, fitness, lifestyle, and nutritional information offered on this Website (the “Site”) and/or in any of our programs/courses/E-Books/Webinars/memberships/etc. is designed for educational purposes only. None of this information is a substitute or replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Lou PT, LLC  (the “Company,” “we,” “us,” “our”) is not responsible for adverse reactions, effects, or consequences resulting from the use of any regimens, recipes, or suggestions provided on this Site or in the Products.  The use of any information provided on this Site or in the Products is solely at your (“Client,” “you,” “your”) own risk.

Recommendations for optimal health, wellness, fitness, and nutrition evolve with informational, medical, and scientific developments.  As such, we cannot guarantee that all of the recommendations included on this Site or in the Products will always be based on the most recent developments in those particular areas.

We strive to ensure that any information we share from third-party sites or sources (“Third-Party Material”) is accurate.  Any Third-Party Material is shared for informational purposes only and we are not liable for any losses or damages that may occur through your use of or reliance upon Third-Party Materials we share.

Certain health-related material included on this Site or in the Products may be objectionable to some audiences.  Please do not use this Site or in the Products if you would find these materials offensive.

You are solely responsible for the manner in which you perceive and utilize information provided on this Site or in the Products and do so at your own risk.

Health, Movement, Therapeutic Exercise, Wellness, Fitness, and Lifestyle Disclaimer. Exercise, movement, and health are matters that vary from person to person, and each individual is responsible for all decisions pertaining to their fitness and movement activities.  You assume full responsibility for consulting a qualified healthcare professional regarding conditions and concerns before starting a new exercise and/or fitness program to determine if it is right for your body and your circumstances. 

Do not follow the recommendations provided on this Site or in the Products if your physician or healthcare provider advises against it. You should stop following all recommendations immediately and consult with your healthcare provider or call 911 if you experience physical symptoms such as faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath.

Results Disclaimer. We make every effort to ensure that we accurately portray realistic results you can expect from following the recommendations made on this Site or in the Products.  As with any health or fitness program, individual results will vary based on capacity, desire, motivation, age, gender, starting point, previous experience, overall health, dietary restrictions, and other factors.  We may share estimates of what we think you can achieve based on our experience and the results of customers with attributes similar to you.  We do not guarantee that you will achieve the same results, and you accept the risk that your results may differ from expectations.  Additionally, we do not guarantee that you will maintain the results you experience if you do not continue following the recommendations provided on this Site or in the Products as we are not responsible for your actions. All results conveyed on the Site or in the Products are done on a case-by-case basis and may not represent typical results from the Products. 

Any reviews or recommendations of third-party products or services are done in good faith based on our experience.  We are not responsible for any dissatisfaction with third-party products or services and may not be held liable for any injuries or damages that occur as a result of their use.